
About Me

About Brittany

Welcome to my blog! I'm Brittany. My sweet husband and our pups live in Las Vegas, NV only for the next 3 weeks because we're moving to TEXAS! I'm probably way too excited to live in Texas and become a resident? But hey it's Texas how else am I suppose to act? I am a stay at home wife and do content creation.

My husband and I met 6 years ago and dated almost 2 years before getting married. I was 17 and he was 20 when we said "I do" and yes you are thinking the right thing my lovely parents did have to sign me over. Which is just awesome to me! We have been married 4 years this November 2017! Married life is the greatest thing ever and I'm so blessed to have gotten married so young. I get to grow up with the love of my life! 

Life has been a wonderful adventure and now we are becoming parents which is MIND BLOWING! Gods timing is so beautiful isn't it? I can't wait to be a mom and love this little human with all my heart! The reason why I saw Gods timing is so perfect is because he knew that this year was going to be rough for me. My dad passed away this July and it has been the HARDEST thing I've ever had to face and deal with. But thankfully we were able to tell him he was going to be a grandpa! He was so excited!!! I think God knew that this baby would bring a ray of sunshine in my life and my families life through this time. 

This blog actually use to be just a coffee blog we're I blogged about ALL things coffee! Which will always be up there on my list of things I love but my priorities have shifted just a little bit so now it's a lifestyle blog! But you can almost ALWAYS find me with a coffee in my hand. I mean of course only one cup a day because well baby...  You can find me over on my Instagram here where i use that platform to show the love of Jesus and the grace He has for you and me daily! I love being able to use that platform to meet so many amazing women and here their stories, so please reach out i would love to chat with you!

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