
Monday, March 6, 2017

Coffee is awesome and one of the greatest things God has given my opinion, anyways.But who knew that without good, filtered water coffee isn't the best it can be? I was so honored when Aquiem reached out to me to try out their water. One, because this is something my coffee was missing. And two, I can honestly say that this WATER is the best I've ever tasted, even by itself! 

Frank Manale is the founder of this incredible water company as well as an Environmental Engineer and water specialist.
So, needless to say, he is an expert in water quality. He set off to scientifically craft water that would perfectly blend with the chemicals put off by the coffee so you know this is no joke. If you're a coffee addict like me, I highly recommend grabbing yourself a half dozen of these! I know I've already gone through a ton from all the cold brew and pour overs I've made!

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