
Saturday, September 30, 2017

 The Torres Tent

I am very excited to be writing this for y'all! We have been homeowners for three weeks now and it's been the craziest and best thing ever! When we moved into this home we knew we would want to update a few things... such as the tan ceilings and walls. Now don't get me wrong I love tans but man oh man there was just way to much in this home. With the tiles being a light tan and the grante counters having browns in them. It was just TOO MUCH...

Monday, September 11, 2017

H O M E 

Many of you who have been following me for sometime know that my husband and I were unsure of our future circumstances. I know you may be thinking, "Well yeah, we don't know what the future holds." You are correct on that thought. We didn't know where or what God was calling us to. Needless to say it was a very stress-filled year, but we knew that God would show up; we had faith.
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